Thursday, January 28, 2010

Enjoy life, begins with prayer

I’m wondering, if you don’t believe in the theory of Charles Darwin that man comes from ape, then you must believe that human were created in the image of God. And we owe our life from Him. It also means that we need to pay homage and worship to God it’s our obligation as a believer. Just like when you respect and follow your parents order because it’s your responsibility. Or at work you need to follow certain rules and regulations implemented by company because you’re an employee. But why when it comes to God’s law we can easily break, ignore and take it for granted. Why? Simply because we don't care, isn’t it unfair to Him? How many people who begin and end each day with prayer? How many people who has a habit of praying before and after meals? Does it take hours to pray? No, it takes seconds and minutes, 2-5 minutes will do. Why it’s hard to spare time for God when in fact He’s the one who give us everything? Prayer is just a simple act to show that we honor and give thanks for the gift of life.
We complain so much about our life, we blame our self, others and worst even God. What do we get if we often disobey our parents, is it troubles, failures and regret? Yes, we want freedom, but freedom is not our license to do whatever we want, especially hurting our self and others.
Every time we travel to unknown place we always have a map for us or else we get lost. It’s the same thing apply in our life. We need something to guide us, we need God who knows everything.  If we can’t accept this fact our life will end up with chaos and confusions. We need to constantly communicate with God through simply act of prayer
Here’s a simple thoughts on the importance of prayer in our life.
Pray, you need to start your day with prayer as this is the only personal way you can communicate with our creator. The God who give us life and provide everything we need in order to survive. You have to talk, give thanks and ask for the things that you need, for He is a loving and generous God. He will give you daily bread for you to EAT.

Eat, we need foods to eat in order for our body to able to function and make us possible to perform and do our work. Eating the right foods provide us energy and strength we need as we undertake our daily activities. Through prayer you feed your soul while through eating you feed your body. Having a balance will make you able to show and give LOVE.

Love is what we need. It is what the world is hunger of and is what you can easily give to others. A kind of love where there's no expectations, pure, selfless and forgiving, as you're created in the image of loving God and you're born to give love. If you will live a life in love, you will live a life with happiness and when there is happiness there is peace. Thus, enable you to have a sound and peaceful SLEEP.

Sleep is the time where we can rest our body. Our heart and mind needs to pause, relax and recharge, to regain its energy and power before we begin another day. A good night sleep will give us a fresh, good and positive feeling that makes us able to give thanks and PRAY to God.

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