The world needs love. More than love the world needs repentance and forgiveness to keep up love in our life. Vengeance and hatred suffocate and poison the existence of love. In this world there are so many people who walk and live their life like dead, because they choose to live against love and against life. They live in the cage of their past that hurt them, consume their time and wallow their happiness and dreams. They only seek pleasures more than anything. When in fact they can be free, enjoy life and be happy. All they need to do is choose to forgive, let go of the past and start a new beginning.
Repentance is wheel that drives us towards life’s greatest treasure, a treasure of freedom, satisfaction, meaning and purpose of life. Forgiveness is a key that opens the window of love. It unlocks the door of happiness and break-in the gate of peace. It’s like water that flush out anger and bitterness. It’s like a sun that burn resentment and an air that brings life.
To some people they believe that the best way to teach a man a lesson for the wrong things he has done is to refrain from giving him forgiveness and let him suffer with his guilt. That belief I strongly disagree, the best way to make the person realized for his mistakes and teach a lesson is to unceasingly forgive and show kindness. He will later on feel ashamed of himself and repent the wrong deeds he has done. If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself!
A friend of mine once asked me a question, “How could you forgive someone who hurt you over and over again? How could you forgive someone who ruin your life and take everything that you have?” I amicably replied “Why did you let someone hurt you for a couple of times? Why did you stay in a situation where you know that you’ll be hurt? You can do something do avoid needless emotional pain. Does refusing to forgive bring back what you have lost? Does it makes you feel happy if you refuse to forgive? If the latter you will answer with a big YES, then skip the world “forgive” but if you’ll answer with “NO” then live with forgiveness.
The hardest lesson that we must learn in life is the subject of forgiveness. This doesn’t need degree or knowledge, it’s in our heart. It depends on us, on how far and how long we want to learn and become perfect on this art. It takes time to understand and master but, the effort is worth equal to our life.
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